Ahhh! The blog is back up! Boooo! The laptop is down.
I was needing something to blog about and boom, my laptop display goes nuts! OK, I research and find that this is a KNOWN problem with my DELL M65 laptop. So, this is my journey to getting my laptop fixed.
Below is a video that shows exactly what my laptop looks like right now.
I have researched the problem and it lead me to Lionel Menchaca’s , Dell’s Chief Blogger, posts on the subject.
Here is the first post I found – NVIDIA GPU Update: Limited Warranty Enhancement Details
Here is the second and latest post I found – NVIDIA GPU Update: NVIDIA Class Action Settlement and Limited Warranty Enhancement
From reading the comments from people that called in blind to Dell’s Tech support, I have decide to private message Lionel Menchaca ad he informs readers to do. I hope all goes quickly and well. I will report first contact in the next post.
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