This is my second post on my journey to getting my Dell M65 Laptop Video display fixed. If you read my first post you will see I attempted to contact Dell through a private message to Lionel Menchaca, Dell’s Chief Blogger. I might not have given Lionel enough time to response, but instead of waiting, I decided to contact Dell using their chat support.
I am very impressed with my first use of DELL chat support. Contact was very fast, efficient and professional.
I learned from my chat with Agent (TMP_ Shirll_189185) that my video card could possibility be effected by the known NVIDIA GPU problem mentioned in my first post. I was asked to run what is called the LCD BIST – (Built-in Self Test). I did not have my system available so I could not do it while I was online with chat support.
Below is a video of my Dell M65 running the LCD BIST. First BEEP is at 1:37.
It seems to me the LCD is functioning so I assume I have the video card problem. Heading back to Dell chat support.
More to come…
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