In a swift and resolute move, the Amateur Radio Relay League (ARRL) has taken a stand, leading to the reclassification of the Batesville Area Radio Club (BARC) as inactive. As a devoted member of the ARRL, I’ve been compelled to uncover the concerning actions of BARC’s present officers, actions that have raised questions about the club’s commitment to the values of amateur radio.
Examining Dubious Actions
Mike Walters, W8ZY, ARRL’s Field Services Manager, didn’t mince words in addressing BARC’s behavior. He acknowledged that my report had shed light on the club’s dubious conduct, prompting him to initiate a comprehensive assessment. Walters’s response, while direct, highlighted the ARRL’s recognition of the importance of maintaining a strong ethical compass within the amateur radio community.
Collaborative Consultations
Walters continued, explaining that the ARRL took a proactive approach by contacting the Batesville Area Radio Club and consulting with David Norris, K5UZ, ARRL Delta Division Director, who not only serves as an ARRL Director but is also a life member of the BARC. This collaboration underscores the thorough approach taken by the League in the face of BARC’s actions.
Transparency and Accountability
With the removal of the link to refer new hams to the BARC club, it is apparent that the ARRL does not recommend new hams associate with Batesville Area Radio Club. Although the Affiliation Status of BARC will be retained, the “Inactive” label serves as a stark reminder that the ARRL values transparency and accountability within its community. This move underscores the ARRL’s commitment to maintaining the standards that define amateur radio.
Empowerment through Vigilance
As this situation underscores the ARRL’s commitment to maintaining the standards that define amateur radio, it’s a reminder that our community thrives when its members are vigilant. If an ARRL-affiliated club is not maintaining a strong ethical compass, if they’re not representing the ARRL as they should, it’s up to us to make our voices heard. Whether you’re an ARRL member or not, you have the power to ensure the integrity of amateur radio. Contact your Division Director or the ARRL’s Field Services Manager, and let your concerns be known.
Find an ACTIVE & recommended ARRL-affiliated club near you, follow this link:
George Clayton Cavaness, ARRL member, seeks to shed light on matters impacting the integrity of the amateur radio community. All your comments are welcome!
Christopher Lowe
NO One, Prospective, or New or Current Amateur Radio Operators should EVER Be
Subjected to the Dubious Actions of the B.A.R.C. A Club should care about it’s Members and Be Transparent in it’s Actions and Value it’s Members,
I Applaud the A.R.R.L for it’s Actions in this Matter and Regarding the Status of the
B.A.R.C . The Quote “Club” Officers and their Actions Toward their Members are a Disgrace.
Michael Winston
This club was not right 15 years ago.
Members of the club banned me after trying to black male me, after I questioned where all tge money was going. I worked making 175k a year at that time. The president of club at that time called my phone after I opened a emergency net, due to the major ice storm. Only 3 of us participated, locally , and my friend in Craighead county Shawn with the Emergency Services operations. Between us all. We got ADEMS THE ARKANSAS Department Of Emergency Services. Involved. After the Closing of the net, we went the next morning and worked along dude the National Guard, passing out water from a water buffalo. And rashings. The news media even met us for a interview. Since they the BARC CKUB DUDBT want involved and we us 4 got the credit , certainly members got jealous 2 days later I get phone calls telling me if I openex another net I would be banned. That night I git on the repeater, and John ke5nzy told me to get off the repeater I coulde no longer use it. His name was not on the license of that repeater. I asked him . But he stated for me to leave the frequency. All of jealousy. And because I kept inquiring about where all money went for new equipment, aren’t and feed line. I basically told them where they could stick that repeater. I got a warning from the FCC. No fine. This club has been crooked and corrupt for years. Mainly the officers and treasures. I know, I donated alot if money myself. That basically went in theyr pockets. I asked to see the books on the collections, . They refused I’m am very proud the light has finally been beamed on them. They have done alot operators wrong. And they helped people of their tickets, illegally. Point blank. Thank you ARRL and everyone involved for taking action it’s about time. They even did highly religious people dirty as well. This is facts. Not hear say. . I sold out my 2 meter and HF equipment not long ago. , because of all the drama. And lies. I’m Thankful this has happened. I am extra class and was VE and information officer for this sorry club. Get it done.
John Godfrey
Mike is 100 percent right about him being removed from the repeater. There was complains about his turrets, and his language on the repeater as well. The leadership at ARES didn’t like the fact he took charge and self deployed, as they felt it made the local hams look very stupid with Mike representing us without the authority to do so. The club voted (Not just me), to ask mike to refrain from repeater use. Me being the president, I was left to be the bad guy. I don’t dislike Mike, I just didn’t agree with what he was doing and others obviously agreed including FCC enforcement, not simply an ARRL OO. I have a copy of the letter and it is available online for all to see. I have the Notes from ARRL leadership asking the DEC, and me the assistance DEC for our district, asking me to please make him stop his unauthorized self deployment for the sake of all Arkansas hams but he refused. Mike was working hard. He meant well, and they helped people who needed help. He wasn’t malicious in his effort to try and help. But organizations have a chain of command, and when the guy who is just started won’t follow their system, they get upset. Mike isn’t a bad guy, but this is why he was removed, and why I am the bad guy. I also made him mad recently when he checked into a simplex net, but I was trying to play with him, and obviously I was misunderstood. He ask about his radio signal, and I said something like coming n garbled and stupid,, It was meant as only a joke,, oh well. Good day all.
John Godfrey
I would love to see the record where you ever donated one dime to the club however, because the books won’t show that. David Norris was treasurer at that time, and books where open for any member to review at every meeting. All finances where public view if desired. We usually just did the treasure report, which was usually just a few small expenses. But to say you donated a lot of money is BS. You did give a lot of your time. I wasn’t mad at you and still am not. I did what I was asked to do, and I agreed with their decision. I have documents to explain why you were the only person ever removed from that repeater. The files are all at the FCC, Recordings and all mike. It wasn’t simply my decision and you should understand that. I have yet to see any documentation as to why a large part of the current club members where prevented from voting. Instead, if they didn’t vote for the right folks, they would be banned. That’s what I seen. Much different than the FCC sanctioning a club member, as was the case with you. That’s all facts I can prove, and will post documents only if you ask.
Clayton Cavaness - AG5CC
I believe that the FCC’s warning letter carries a lot of weight in terms of the truth of the matter. The Federal Communication Commission (FCC) is a government organization, and they would not have issued the letter unless they had been presented with sufficient evidence.
I would respectfully ask Mike Winston if he considers the warning letter to be a misrepresentation of his actions. If not, why did he not appeal the letter? Simply complaining about the letter without taking any action is not helpful.
It appears that the Batesville Area Radio Club (BARC) took action against Mike. The officers of an organized club are ultimately responsible for its actions. Does this sound familiar? Why did Mike not take action to appeal the FCC warning letter or file a complaint with the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) about his mistreatment in an ARRL-affiliated club?
My point is that action by a third party such as the FCC carries a lot of weight in terms of the truth. If you have read all of my posts, you will see that I have not made any unfounded accusations that I have not backed up with hard evidence. I filed an official report with the appropriate people in the ARRL, and they independently investigated the matter and decided to take action by making the BARC an inactive affiliated club. This shows people that I am not just blowing smoke, that an independent party investigated the matter and found it actionable, just as the FCC did.
Respectfully, Mike, if you’ve addressed the accusations against you, it would be great if you could fill us in and provide any evidence. If not, kindly refrain from attributing my success to yourself.
Leann Lowe
I’ll just say this, in the beginning the club appeared to be transparent and we were told the club belonged to the club members. Elected officers repeated over and over that they were there to serve us. Then something changed. A repeater shack was built. If it had been done the correct way and club members would have been allowed to vote on how they wanted to finance the shack, that would have been the right thing and would have prevented a lot of problems. Instead a particular member took it upon himself to buy the material with his own funds, and then the people were begged to provide additional funds beside what was already in the bank to reimburse the club member. From there it just got worse club dues and money put back into the club from the 50/50 drawing continued to collect in the bank account, but every time the club wanted to do something, they wanted members to donate more money on top of what was already in the bank. Forget about seeing any kind of bank statements because they would ban you from club meetings and using their repeaters and threaten to kick you out of the club. I challenge anyone that is still in the club to ask for bank statements. See how far that will get you. I’ll end with a statement from the Bible which seems to be a real problem currently all over the entire world, and appears why evil seems to be ruling right now because the love of money is the root of all evil. The remedy to that is II Chron. 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land