Here’s a straightforward, no-nonsense guide on setting up WSJT-X with GridTracker and logging through MacLoggerDX. I’m putting this together for my own reference, as it often takes me longer than I’d like to recall the steps, especially since I don’t frequently engage in FT8 or other digital modes. I’ll be using a Yaesu FT-991A radio and a 2019 MacBook PRO running macOS Sequoia 15.2 . My focus will be on providing essential screenshots of each program’s key settings, skipping all the fluffy talk.
Step 1 – WSJT-X or WSJT-Z or WSJT-X-Improved Settings
This is not how to get your radio working with WSJT-X. These are the WSJT-X settings you need log using MacLogger and for DX GridTracker to work also.
WSJT-S Radio Setup
If you want WSJT-X to control the radio through MacLoggerDX select the DX Lab Suite Commander for Rig. Enter 5002 as the default TCP port that MacLoggerDX will listen for client connections on. More Info Here.

WSJT-S Reporting Setup
If you have another program running (Yes we do -This would be GridTracker) on the same Mac that is consuming the UDP packets and preventing them from reaching MacLoggerDX use a Multicast Group address like If you want MacLoggerDX to join a multicast group, enter a Multicast Group address like and use the terminal to subscribe MacLoggerDX to this group.
You may or may not have to subscribe to a WSJT-X multicast group with this Terminal command:
defaults write com.dogparksoftware.MacLoggerDX wsjtx_multicast_group ““

Step 2 – GridTracker Settings
Enter the IP addresses and Port numbers as shown. ENABLE Multicast. ENABLE the Forward UDP Messages setting . (I’m not 100% sure Forward UDP Messages needs enabled.)

Step 3 – MacLoggerDX Settings
Set MacLoggerDX settings as shown.

Having this checked works for me right now. You may be able to un-check it.

This Radio setting screenshot is just for my personal reference.

That’s all! These settings are what I use on my 2019 MacBook PRO running macOS Sequoia 15.2 when connecting to my FT-991a radio. They’re part of a three-step process that helps me remember how to sync these three programs. WSJT-X operates my radio, and whenever a full exchange is completed, it automatically logs the contact in MacLoggerDX. Then, MacLoggerDX is configured to automatically upload these logs to LOTW,, and As with many of my tech-related posts, this one serves as a quick reference for me, saving the hassle of spending 15-45 minutes searching for the same information repeatedly. Hopefully, it might be useful for you as well. Feel free to leave a comment if you’d like.
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